Garbage Collector
Clank! A strange machine with two big hands was coming toward the Snowy Valley.
Franky happily sat atop displaying his new invention, “The Garbage Collector.” The machine’s huge hands could move crush and dump the garbage in the big mouth.
Franky then said to the growing crowd around the machine. ”We will no longer have to clean the streets ourselves. I have made this machine to clean the streets for us.“ The people just looked at the machine with disbelief in their eyes. “Really?” they thought.
Franky turned on the machine. Clark- Clark! Clark- Clark! In a few minutes, the street was sparkling clean.
“Wah! This great invention is a machine!” Cheered all the people believed. The mayor gave Franky an award and said, “Now that we have the garbage collector, Snowy Valley will be cleaner and brighter.” All the people believed the mayor was right and trusted Franky’s machine.
Not only did Franky invent the machine, but he also became the town trash collector. After a couple of days, a strange thing began to happen. Instead of getting cleaner, Snowy Valley was getting dirtier and the garbage piles were growing taller.
Thump! Bump! People were just throwing the garbage out of their windows and letting the garbage collector pick it up. People didn’t bother worrying about the garbage anymore. They just threw it anywhere they wanted. Yucky garbage and bad smells were everywhere. Nobody helped clean the streets anymore. They depended on the machine to do their job.
Frank’s garbage collector busily picked up the trash and cleaned the streets every minute of the day. “Thump! Bump! Wham! Bonk!” You could hear the sound growing louder and louder…Suddenly, the machine exploded!
The garbage collector had shattered into thousands of pieces, it had worked too long. The trash inside the machine just went flying.
People begged Franky, “Please fit it quickly, we need it to clean our streets. Franky
Sadly replied, “It would take too long to fix it because it is broken beyond repair.”
“But what about all the yucky, stinky garbage? ” asked the people. The mayor thought a moment and said, “Snowy Valley is everyone’s home. Let’s do the cleaning job together.” Then, all the people started to clean their own homes, dump their own garbage and swept the streets themselves.
Through everyone’s efforts, Snowy Valley returned to being the beautiful and clean valley that it was before.
學生姓名:Mark Z.M. He (何宗謀)