The frog and the salamander
A long long time ago, there lived a pretty queen and a tall king. All the people in the kingdom loved them because they liked to help the people of the kingdom.
They lived happily in a clean house with many colorful flowers in the front yard. Their lovely house was surrounded by a forest.
One beautiful night, while the king and the queen were talking, they saw some lights shining in the forest. They decided to go to the forest to find the lights.
While they were walking, they heard some soft music. They queen asked the king “I wonder who could play such beautiful music.” The king replied “Let’s find out!”
Magic Lin Lin was sitting one the tree branch with her golden flute in her mouth. Her music was magical, however the king and the queen didn’t know. They thought the music was lovely, so they started to dance.
The king and the queen danced and danced. They felt happy and kept dancing. Until they felt tired and fell asleep under a tree.
When they woke up, they had fallen into Magic Lin Lin’s spell. “You are a stinky salamander.” The king shouted! The queen shouted! ”You are a disgusting frog!”
They jumped up and down and cried “What happened? Why are we animals?”
Then Magic Lin Lin said, “Don’t you remember my magical music?” The king and queen had been tricked. They felt so sad.
The king and the queen looked into each other’s sad eyes. The king said, “Even you are stinky, I still love you!” The queen replied “And I still love you!”
Then one pair of frog lips kissed one pair of salamander lips. When they kissed, they felt power grow all around them.
They opened their eyes. They were people again. Their love was so strong and it broke the spell.
學生姓名:Amy Y.H. Wu (吳羽軒)
指導老師:Candice Borea Kim