Two naughty monkeys
Two naughty monkeys were living in a Japanese zoo. The monkeys lived together with many other animals. Most of the animals loved the zoo, but these two naught monkeys didn’t!
The monkeys wanted to escape because they wanted to be free. They wanted to go out into the world and have adventures.
They decided to escape one dark night. They stole a key from a zoo keeper, and opened their cage quietly.
The next day, the zoo keepers found out that the monkeys had escaped. Two zoo keepers yelled, “Those two naughty monkeys are very dangerous! We need to catch them and put them back in their cage!”
The monkeys first went to the supermarket to steal some bananas. When the clerk saw them, the clerk tried to catch the monkeys. However they ran too fast, so the clerk couldn’t catch them.
Outside they saw many cars and motorcycles. The cars made a lot of smoke and noise, they didn’t like that. A car almost hit them. It was very dangerous.
Finally, they got to the amusement park. Inside they saw many people and many kinds of games. Now, this was exciting!
They climbed onto the “roller-coaster.” When the roller-coaster started to go, the two monkeys felt excited.
But it got faster and faster, they felt scared! They screamed “Ahhh!” and they almost flew out into the sky. When they got off, they were dizzy and they wanted to throw up.
They decided the outside world was very crazy, noisy and scary! But, they didn’t want to go back to the zoo. So, where could they live? Outside the park, they met another monkey.
Then the monkey told them to follow her, because she knew a great place called the “Jungle.”
When they got to the jungle, they saw many bananas and many monkeys! They danced and sang together, happily.
It was fun to have more friends. Now, they really were happy to be free!
學生姓名:Charo H.Y. Hou (侯湘珆)
指導老師:Candice Borea Kim