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☆E級創作小書比賽 特優作品 ☆大雅分校,Annie李適安

A Martian From Mercury

It was a hot and sunny day. Jack was playing baseball in the park.

Suddenly, a strange person who had only one big eye and one big mouth appeared. He didn’t have a nose or ears. Jack was scared.

The strange person said, ”Hi! I am Nick and I am from Mercury. How about you?” Jack didn’t feel scared anymore because Nick sounded friendly.

Then Jack said, “Hello! I am Jack and I am a five-year-old boy. Nice to meet you.” They chatted happily and became good friends.

During the conversation, Jack knew that Nick was from Mercury and he came to Earth for a trip as a birthday gift.

The next day, Jack showed Nick how to ride a bike and let him try what pizza tasted like. They felt terrific to do these things together.

After a week, it was time for Nick to go home, but neither of them felt good about it.

Jack didn’t want Nick to leave him, but Nick really needed to go back to his planet for school and his family were waiting for him.

Nick gave a photo to Jack and said goodbye.

A spaceship appeared in the sky and s strong light lifted Nick up from the ground and took him away.

When the spaceship disappeared in the air, Jack cried loudly.

He would never forget his friend.


學生姓名:Annie S.A. Li (李適安)


指導老師:Vivian C.Y. Chu朱吉雲
