The disobedient Son
Not long ago, there lived a boy named Kai who refused to listen to his mother.
Whenever his mother would say, “Kai, you have to eat your fruit.” He always replied, “You can’t tell me what to do!” Soon, his mother became very frustrated.
One day, when Kai’s uncle Sam came to visit his mother said, “I don’t know how to make Kai obey me. He won’t listen to a word I say. Please, help me!” Uncle Sam just smiled and nodded.
At dinner that night when Kai refused to eat his fruit, uncle Sam smiled encouragingly, “That’s right, my boy. You don’t need to eat fruit because fruit is very sour.”
Kai was surprised. He yelled, “You can’t tell me what to do!” And then he ate the whole plate of fruit.
Later on Kai’s mother wanted Kai to practice the piano, but he refused. Uncle Sam said again, “That’s right my boy. You can’t practice the piano because it is too noisy.”
Kai’s face became red. He yelled again, “You can’t tell me what to do!” And then he practiced the piano for two hours.
That night, Kai refused to go to sleep when his mother asked. Uncle Sam smiled and said, “That’s right my boy. You can’t need to sleep because sleep is boring.”
Kai was furious. He shouted, “You can’t tell me what to do!” And then he threw his head on the pillow and slept quietly all night.
From that day on, whenever Kai’s mother wanted him to do something, he would always say the exact opposite.
Poor, stubborn Kai never caught on to his mother’s trick and always did exactly as he was told.
And so, all thanks to wise uncle Sam, Kai became the most obedient son in town.
學生姓名:Maggie Y.S. Wu (吳詠雙)