Kevin’s Dream
Kevin was very tired, so he went to bed very early. He had a dream. In his dream, he was in a house. Everything was very big, but he was very small.
Then, he heard some noise. He saw a huge woman walking to him. That was his Mom.
He shouted loudly, but his mother did not hear him. He was very sad. He continued walking.
He saw a bug crawling to him. He was very scared, but the bug did not want to eat him. It was friendly. Kevin was happy.
The nice bug told him that the road ahead was very dangerous and kindly gave him some food to eat.
Kevin and the bug walked through many rooms, the bathroom, the dining room, the kitchen and the living room, and they did not see anyone.
The bug took Kevin to its friends. Its friend said to Kevin, “There are many mice in this house. Be careful!”
When night came, it was very dark. Kevin was scared. He bumped into something. Then that thing turned around. It was a big mouse.
He screamed as loudly as he could. Suddenly, the mouse turned and chase him and he ran away as fast as a horse.
Finally, the mouse caught him. Kevin felt terrible because the monster mouse was opening its huge mouth and was ready to eat him alive.
Then, Kevin felt someone shaking him. He saw his father and mother when he opened his eyes. He knew it was a bad dream.
Kevin’s mother and father made hot chocolate for him and promised him the bad dream would go away.
學生姓名:Denny H.Y. Hsieh (謝祥昱)
指導老師:Laura W.L. Lai賴文鈴