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☆D級四格圖畫寫作比賽 特優作品 ☆源興分校,Sandy張庭瑄

A False Alarm
Jackson was walking home from school one night. As he walked along the street, he saw smoke coming from a house about a block away. He was horrified at the thought of someone’s house burning down. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and called the fire department. He told them about the emergency and gave them the address. He urged them to hurry.
Soon the fire truck arrived. The fire station had sent its biggest truck and all its five fighters. The fire fighters hooked up the fire hose to the hydrant and then dragged it to the burning house. The smoke was coming from behind the house, so they went around to the back.
Imagine their surprise when they found the family enjoying a barbecue!

學生姓名:Sandy T.H. Chang (張庭瑄)
指導老師:Michelle Lin林昱婷