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☆D級四格圖畫寫作比賽 優等作品 ☆彰化中央分校,Hank蔡翰昕

As Giant As A T-Rex
If you could be any dinosaur, what dinosaur would you want to be? One afternoon, I woke up and found that I was as giant as a T-Rex. Everything looked small and yummy while was a huge T-Rex. Then I went to see myself through the window. I found that I had two big strong legs, sharp teeth, a big mouth, but two short arms. Hurrily, I ran out to get help from my mother and father. But when they saw me, they screamed and ran away! I felt sad and walk slowly on the street. All the people were shocked and escaped as fast as they could. Suddenly I was so hungry that I started looking for meat. When I attacked some cows, the police shot at me. That made me angry. I roared loudly and stepped on them. And some tanks and helicopters came and shot some chemicals at me. But luckily, when I woke up, I became a human again.

學生姓名:Hank H.S. Tsai (蔡翰昕)