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☆E級創作小書比賽 特優作品 ☆東勢分校,Tobby賴冠廷

The Journey to Earth

There were three big islands flying in the sky. Each island had their different habitats. One of them was an ocean, another was a jungle, the last island had a lot of sand, like a desert.

There were million of strange animals, that lived on the island. Many strange creatures, people had never seen living on Earth.

I was one of these animals. I had strong wings, sharp gray teeth and a rough green body. I looked like a flying lizard.

Everyday, I would fly to different places. First, I would go to the ocean. The ocean island looked like a gigantic, blue fridge.

The second island was covered with plants, there were no rivers, ponds or lakes, but there were lots of carnivorous plants. To eat millions of insects a day was a piece of cake for the carnivorous plants.

One day, I decided to have a journey down on the earth, so I flew down from the sand island. A big jet suddenly flew over me, I was frightened, I had never seen a jet before!

When I got to earth, I flew over a busy city. The cars were driving around , and the factories polluted the air with poisonous chemicals. It smelled terrible! I breathed in the polluted air, and felt sick.

“Help! Help!” I shouted, I was on the floor of my bedroom. Oh no! I had a nightmare, I wasn’t really a poisonous lizard, I was Tobby. However, my behind hurt, ”Ouch” I said. I got up and drank some hot milk, so I could sleep well again.

This dream taught me to not go to dangerous places, then I won’t get hurt. Even though the dream was strange, I have learned something and I think it was spectacular.


學生姓名:Tobby K.T. Lai (賴冠廷)


指導老師:Candice Borea Kim
